
Economical and you

Compact. Universal. Economical.

For the machining of many workpiece shapes and materials, our FZU22 in monoblock structure is ideally suited. Aluminum, plastics and wood are their métier, as is the finishing of CFRP parts (carbon fiber and composites). The top-moving gantry also ensures high precision in the production of models and molded parts. The standard version includes the tool changer for 12 tools and a control of the latest generation (Siemens or Heidenhain). The specially developed 5-axis milling head with 15 kW spindle is also suitable for machining hard-to-reach workpiece locations due to its geometry.

Technical Data

stdClass Object ( [id] => e7a0e867-2ed4-491e-bb4f-9e1b404f7cdf [machine_id] => 258736 [category] => Working ranges [attributes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2d51c3b4-1c4a-4196-a481-e193fdcc1e4b [category_id] => e7a0e867-2ed4-491e-bb4f-9e1b404f7cdf [attribute] => X-Axis [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5a27ff45-5943-4ef0-969a-fec7ae98fc0a [attribute_id] => 2d51c3b4-1c4a-4196-a481-e193fdcc1e4b [value] => 1 800/2 500 mm (71"/98") [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1ae1550a-7d29-4bc1-b956-7f2b073740e2 [category_id] => e7a0e867-2ed4-491e-bb4f-9e1b404f7cdf [attribute] => Y-Axis [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => fa8d8471-3449-42a6-930a-01523f1c5f66 [attribute_id] => 1ae1550a-7d29-4bc1-b956-7f2b073740e2 [value] => 3 000/3 500 mm (118"/138") [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 92fdf658-25d9-423a-a7e5-a562cf2cad35 [category_id] => e7a0e867-2ed4-491e-bb4f-9e1b404f7cdf [attribute] => Z-Axis [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 94288122-cf65-4fd6-9e22-cb4abdfe73cd [attribute_id] => 92fdf658-25d9-423a-a7e5-a562cf2cad35 [value] => 1 250 mm (49") [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) )
Working ranges
X-Axis1 800/2 500 mm (71"/98")
Y-Axis3 000/3 500 mm (118"/138")
Z-Axis1 250 mm (49")
stdClass Object ( [id] => 9fc69894-a201-4927-b937-6d9946b5189c [machine_id] => 258736 [category] => Clamping bars [attributes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => dec3e731-e0a1-43d1-81ed-a34de86fb25f [category_id] => 9fc69894-a201-4927-b937-6d9946b5189c [attribute] => Table load [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => ec8ea9fd-c608-48cf-b0f7-148046b3611d [attribute_id] => dec3e731-e0a1-43d1-81ed-a34de86fb25f [value] => 500 kg/m² [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => e51eb9e4-7d68-4f54-8eb6-f0fac50a1c22 [category_id] => 9fc69894-a201-4927-b937-6d9946b5189c [attribute] => Number of clamping bars [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => a29589de-5717-4fc6-9864-4f01a6d6eed2 [attribute_id] => e51eb9e4-7d68-4f54-8eb6-f0fac50a1c22 [value] => 5 [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => a39ef0bf-d188-4a31-99f1-e41c471e850f [category_id] => 9fc69894-a201-4927-b937-6d9946b5189c [attribute] => Threaded holes [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 13162d80-627d-41a3-bb25-bc19ea9c8016 [attribute_id] => a39ef0bf-d188-4a31-99f1-e41c471e850f [value] => 30 x M12 [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1dc03dc2-92e9-4c2c-b683-c39023cc9670 [category_id] => 9fc69894-a201-4927-b937-6d9946b5189c [attribute] => Distance between threaded holes [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => a6a39bc6-33e2-4403-845c-d1b7dac69a6e [attribute_id] => 1dc03dc2-92e9-4c2c-b683-c39023cc9670 [value] => 250 mm (9") [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) )
Clamping bars
Table load500 kg/m²
Number of clamping bars5
Threaded holes30 x M12
Distance between threaded holes250 mm (9")
stdClass Object ( [id] => 22baac78-006b-4b00-9c3f-bc114e87fffc [machine_id] => 258736 [category] => Drives Linear Axes [attributes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 68e0f820-4678-4203-b24a-fafbd331476e [category_id] => 22baac78-006b-4b00-9c3f-bc114e87fffc [attribute] => Feed rate X-, Y-Axis [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => d593e6ee-777b-4cfc-8dfc-dc8b323fcec8 [attribute_id] => 68e0f820-4678-4203-b24a-fafbd331476e [value] => up to 70 m/min (2756 ipm) [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 628b3397-6ce2-48e0-b4ca-cf9dcab8209f [category_id] => 22baac78-006b-4b00-9c3f-bc114e87fffc [attribute] => Feed rate Z-Axis [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 7569bcbe-e140-4ef9-8c43-c1fea93db0c5 [attribute_id] => 628b3397-6ce2-48e0-b4ca-cf9dcab8209f [value] => up to 40 m/min (1574 ipm) [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => bd3e0b81-2ce7-4d35-9915-395e92b97bef [category_id] => 22baac78-006b-4b00-9c3f-bc114e87fffc [attribute] => Acceleration X-, Y-Axis [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => d0544da0-ad02-4aca-9cb3-de9c738fe204 [attribute_id] => bd3e0b81-2ce7-4d35-9915-395e92b97bef [value] => max. 3 – 5 m/s² (118-197 in/s²) [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) )
Drives Linear Axes
Feed rate X-, Y-Axisup to 70 m/min (2756 ipm)
Feed rate Z-Axisup to 40 m/min (1574 ipm)
Acceleration X-, Y-Axismax. 3 – 5 m/s² (118-197 in/s²)
stdClass Object ( [id] => ff67ce4f-c813-472b-a956-80373becb4aa [machine_id] => 258736 [category] => Dimensions [attributes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2aa3e05d-a55a-4269-99c0-cb942fec7036 [category_id] => ff67ce4f-c813-472b-a956-80373becb4aa [attribute] => Required space (without peripherals) [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 55ac325d-01e7-4944-bde5-6b6d285ebcd0 [attribute_id] => 2aa3e05d-a55a-4269-99c0-cb942fec7036 [value] => Length [subvalues] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 33c1340e-cce1-465a-8abd-a43aaa60b62f [value_id] => 55ac325d-01e7-4944-bde5-6b6d285ebcd0 [subvalue] => 3 330 – 4 030 mm (130"-159") [subvalues2] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 76fb297b-2768-4afa-89f7-d096b5b68e24 [attribute_id] => 2aa3e05d-a55a-4269-99c0-cb942fec7036 [value] => Width [subvalues] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 62729e39-53ec-446c-99e2-a203a91dd3d6 [value_id] => 76fb297b-2768-4afa-89f7-d096b5b68e24 [subvalue] => 6 670 – 7 670 mm 263"-302") [subvalues2] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 4e1328c3-fbfe-4b63-bc81-96c9165ebf39 [attribute_id] => 2aa3e05d-a55a-4269-99c0-cb942fec7036 [value] => Height [subvalues] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 83df96de-206b-4f16-ad06-d12fd1a8c5b6 [value_id] => 4e1328c3-fbfe-4b63-bc81-96c9165ebf39 [subvalue] => 4 580 mm (180") [subvalues2] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
Required space (without peripherals)Length3 330 – 4 030 mm (130"-159")
Width6 670 – 7 670 mm 263"-302")
Height4 580 mm (180")
stdClass Object ( [id] => c1d1af66-0026-49e2-8c91-47990b44d831 [machine_id] => 258736 [category] => Accuracy [attributes] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 204c0c55-1633-47b8-9129-67f88b62dd4d [category_id] => c1d1af66-0026-49e2-8c91-47990b44d831 [attribute] => Standard [values] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => f5eddc53-c31e-43ba-9a77-831829b884b6 [attribute_id] => 204c0c55-1633-47b8-9129-67f88b62dd4d [value] => in accordance toVDI/DGQ 3441 or ISO 230-2 [subvalues] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) )
Standardin accordance toVDI/DGQ 3441 or ISO 230-2


Stock Machines

Our stock and used machines are available on short notice.